Film-film Hollywood versi Betawi

Berikut ini daftar film-film unggulan Hollywood "The Batavia version":

1 Musuh nongkrong di pager (Enemy at the gates)
2 Sekali kalong tetap kalong (Batman Forever)
3 Inget sama si Titan (Remember the Titans)
4 Kerjaan Orang Itali (the italian job)
5 Kagak Ada Matinye (Die Hard)
6 Bocah Rese (Bad Boys)
7 Begadang di Seattle (Sleepless in Seattle)
8 Kesasar (Lost in Space)
9 Mantan Pria (X-Men)
10 Lebih Murah Beli Lusinan (Cheaper by Dozen)
11 Kulkas (The Cooler)
12 Gajian yoooo (Paycheck)
13 Tujuh Belasan (Independence Day)
14 Besok Lusa (The Day After Tomorrow)
15 Matinye Entar Aje (Die Another Day)
16 Ada Ape ama si Mary (There is Something About Mary)
17 Kambing aje Diem (Silence of the Lamb)
18 Semua Kuda Kece (All The Pretty Horses)- yaiikksss...!!
19 Planetnya Elo2 Pade (Planet of the Apes)
20 Minggat Semenit (Gone in Sixty Second)
21 Dosa, Asli ! (Original Sin)
22 O Mama Kembalilah, Kembalilah (Mummy Returns)
23 Sum Takut ama Semua (The Sum All Fears)
24 Tangisan Sun (Tears of The Sun)
25 Laris Manis (The Abyss)
26 Kucing Ngopi (Copycat)
27 Roti Nyemplung di Laut (Seabiscuit)
28 Musuhan abiss (Freddy vs Jason)
29 Calo terminal (terminator)
30 Awas banjir (Air Bud)

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